Human Heaven Sucks [Comic]
[Source: Safely Endangered | Like “Safely Endangered” on Facebook | Follow “Safely Endangered” on Twitter]
[Source: Safely Endangered | Like “Safely Endangered” on Facebook | Follow “Safely Endangered” on Twitter]
[Source: Chris Hallbeck – Maximumble | Like Maximumble on Facebook | Follow Maximumble on Twitter]
[Source: Mr. Lovenstein Comics | Like Mr. Lovenstein on Facebook | Follow “Mr. Lovenstein” on Twitter]
What’s weirder than donning a costume to freak out a child coming home from school? Getting four family members to join you… (Via: Neatorama) Sometimes when you go on TV, you get asked well-researched, insightful questions. Sometimes, not so much…
In this short movie, we meet a smart watch that wants to save society. Well, that’s the official story, but I’m not sure I trust anyone who sounds that much like GLaDOS…
Just in time for season 2, here’s a parody of the theme song for the hit Netflix original series, Stranger Things. [The Warp Zone]
[Source: Loading Artist | Like “Loading Artist” on Facebook | Follow “Loading Artist” on Twitter]
[Source: Texts from Superheroes | Follow Texts from Superheroes on Twitter | Like Texts from Superheroes on Facebook]
[Source: ImAFrogOnALog on Imgur | Via GG]