Lemon Problems [Comic]
[Source: Napalm Soda Comics | Jason Calzadilla on Instagram]
[Source: Napalm Soda Comics | Jason Calzadilla on Instagram]
Sorry Mr. Scissors! [Source: Lolnein Comics | Like “Lolnein Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Lolnein Comics” on Twitter]
Learn all about Scottish slang words with Gerard Butler in this video from Vanity fair. I love his comment on how Scottish slang is mostly about things that are gross, ugly, or that relate to being drunk or stupid. [Vanity Fair]
[Source: Don’t Hit Save | Like “Don’t Hit Save” on Facebook | Follow “Don’t Hit Save” on Twitter]
Apparently, Cats have knocking glasses off the counter down to a science, and Professor Pussycat knows all about the phenomenon! [Source: Einstein’s mama on Facebook]
Use the right arrow on the comic below to navigate from one panel to the other. Web of Lies [Source: KatRaccoon on Imgur]
What is the first thing you do after a crisis is confirmed as bogus? Yeah, that’s right. You use a stress-relief measure. Here is a graph of Pornhub’s traffic comming from Hawaii before, during, and after the bogus missile alert we reported a few days ago: [Source: Pornhub on Twitter]
Think for myself? What a novel concept! [Source: Abstruse Goose]
My eyes and ears… they bleed! And here’s the original! (Thanks Candice!) Try syncing both, they fit perfectly! [blahblah8943]
[Source: Jim Benton on Tumblr | Jim Benton (Official) | Like “Jim Benton” on Facebook | Follow “Jim Benton” on Twitter]