The Chase: Head and Shoulders Releases Greatest Anime Style Ad Ever

If there’s one company that you would never expect to produce an anime style short film, it’s definitely Head and Shoulders, the popular anti dandruff shampoo brand. However, it’s exactly what they did, and the ad, titled “The Chase,” is nothing short of amazing! Watch! He’s cool. He’s agile. He’s stealthy. And armed with h&s […]

Podcast Like a Boss: A 7-Module Podcast Masterclass (72% Off)

Make your brand the talk of town! The 7-module “Podcast Like a Boss” masterclass guides you through launching a podcast to drive your business or brand forward! Just $59.99 instead of the masterclass’ MSRP of $219. You already have a business, but you want to have a podcast. You’ve heard how they can make money, […]