A Complete Video Compilation of All ORDER 66 Jedi Execution Scenes

https://youtu.be/x1dvUkgwai0 From Leia’s Lair: Here are all the Order 66 scenes from Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith, Jedi: Fallen Order, The Clone Wars, and The Bad Batch. We show all the characters such as Obi-wan Kenobi, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Aayla Secura, Plo Koon, Stass Allie, Yoda, Jedi Younglings, Zett Jukassa, Jaro Tapal, Cal Kestis, […]

Neural Network Makes Grand Theft Auto V Photorealistic

Wow. Just wow. Watch what happens when the folks from Intel ISL run some GTA V gameplay through their convolutional neural network. Could this be the future of gaming? We present an approach to enhancing the realism of synthetic images. The images are enhanced by a convolutional network that leverages intermediate representations produced by conventional […]