Cold Brew [Comic]
[Source: @theimmortalgrind]
[Source: @theimmortalgrind]
Battlefield medics don’t have to know anything except how to save lives… [Goat-on-a-Stick]
[Source: Chipmunk Bay | Like Chipmunk Bay on Facebook]
[Source: @wheatcomics]
[Via MyDND]
The story of the laziest NPC ever created and his quest to save the children. [VLDL]
For today’s edition of “Deal of the Day,” here are some of the best deals we stumbled on while browsing the web this morning! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate programs.) –Dune (Blu-ray […]
Yep, half of all people who ever lived. From Macleans: The general consensus of demographers is that about 108 billion human beings have ever lived, and that mosquito-borne diseases have killed close to half—52 billion people, the majority of them young children. [Source: @theimmortalgrind]
[Source: @idiotoftheeast]