Elden Ring Players Complete Opposing No Damage Runs

Two Elden Ring players have completed the game in particularly impressive fashion. One took no damage while the other didn’t directly inflict any. A Twitch user with the screenname Seki went beyond a “simple” no-hit run by taking no environmental damage such as from falls or poisons. They noted this increased the challenge further as […]

Today’s Hottest Deals: Save Big on Apple AirPods (Pro and Regular), 960GB SSD, Full Color Smart Lightbulb, and More!

For today’s edition of “Deal of the Day,” here are some of the best deals we stumbled on while browsing the web this morning! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate programs.) –Apple AirPods […]