Nobody Ever Pays Attention to Me [Comic]
[Source: @ig_doods]
[Source: @ig_doods]
[Source: @freddymerken]
[Source: @alzwards_corner]
Last month, artist and Youtuber “North of the Border” created a super creepy LEGO minifig sculpture out of clay, and now, he decided that creepifying Minions would be a good idea. Check out his versions of Kevin, Bob, and Steart in the video below! [North of the Border]
[Source: @mygumsarebleeding]
What if all cats sounded like Arnold Schwarzenegger? The world would certainly be a funnier place to live in! [Littlebigdaddy]
[Source: @deliberatelyburied]
Hi guys! I’m officially on vacation with the family for the fist time in 5 years, so expect a little less stuff than usual on the site for the next week. I’ve been working like crazy for the past 3 weeks so I could take some time off, and let me tell you guys, it […]
For today’s edition of “Deal of the Day,” here are some of the best deals we stumbled on while browsing the web this morning! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate programs.) –Descent Legends […]
[Source: @thejenkinscomic]