SPA [Comic]
[Source: @davecontra]
[Source: @davecontra]
Amazon has just launched a new event, offering two days of incredible deals to Amazon Prime members only: The Prime Early Access Sale! Here is our compilation of some of the best deals offered today! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an […]
The name “E. coli” is enough to strike terror into the stomachs of anyone who has experienced food poisoning. But some strains of this bacteria don’t actually make you sick, and have turned out to be useful tools for bioengineers. [SciShow]
Check out this amazing remastered and colorized (via AI) footage of London in the 1930s by Youtuber NASS. If you look closely, a lot of the advertisements in the video are for companies or brands that still exist today: Bovril, Schweppes, Gordon’s Gin, Guiness Beer, Craven A, and more! Also, check out the Craven A […]
[Source: @Gogomachrocketsheep]
It shouldn’t matter what a food is called as long as it tastes good, right? Well, maybe not. Here is some interesting stories behind food names. [Storied]
[Source: @mozgitreski]
[Source: @davecontra]
As promised after posting the pictures, here is our cosplay video from Quebec Comiccon 2022! I hope you have as much fun watching it as we had filming it!
Probably the most epic halloween light show you’ll ever see. Featuring a 400 foot Mind Flayer, a Demogorgon, and more! Thank god the guy doesn’t seem to have any neighbors.