Me Neither [Comic]
[Source: @war.and.peas]
[Source: @war.and.peas] Eminem’s Rap God: The dueling Banjos edition by Youtuber There I Ruined it. [There I Ruined I]
Shrödinger’s cat is world famous, but what does it really mean? Robert Couse-Baker/Flickr, CC BY-SA Alessandro Fedrizzi, Heriot-Watt University and Mehul Malik, Heriot-Watt University Quantum mechanics, the theory which rules the microworld of atoms and particles, certainly has the X factor. Unlike many other areas of physics, it is bizarre and counter-intuitive, which makes it […]
[Source: @hoppy.doodle]
How did that core game mechanic slip past you?? [VLDL]
[Source: @cheddarbaconstudios]
[Source: @dogmocomics]
Who wants to be a millionaire? If you’re a fan of winning money, this 500-piece jigsaw puzzle may be your ticket to getting the big bucks! All you have to do is assemble the 2 Million Dollar Puzzle and find your prize. Solving a puzzle has never been more enticing. Brought to you by MSCHF, […]
Looking for a cool meat tenderizer and are a fan of the MCU? Look no further than this officially licensed Mjölnir meat tenderizer! Tenderize your meat with The POWER OF A GOD! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or […]
From Auralnauts: It’s 1975. A New Hope won’t be released for another two years, and George Lucas is mostly known as the American Graffiti guy. You just finished watching the latest episode of Barney Miller. “And now, we bring you tonight’s TV movie premiere. Get ready to travel to a far away galaxy that existed […]