Big Sale on Over 50 Geektastic Christmas Sweaters!

Justgeek currently has a big sale on all their geeky Christmas sweaters, and they have a very large selection of them! There’s currently 2 promotions: Either get 20% off your order with promo code SAVE20JUMP, or use code XMASBOGOHP for the “Buy 1, get One Half Price” sale. Here are a few of our favorites, […]

Amazing Interactive Latte Foam Art [Videos]

Check out these amazing interactive lattes by artist runapocket that feature foam in the shape of various pop culture characters that move when “jiggled.” [Source: @Runapocket on Instagram | Via Born in Space]

Today’s EPIC Daily Deals: Tactical Spork, GE Smart Lighting Products, Fire Tablets, LifeStraw, Pokemon Plush, and MORE!

For today’s edition of “Deal of the Day,” here are some of the best deals we stumbled on while browsing the web this morning! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate programs.) –Up to […]

The Creepy Origins of Popular Nursery Rhymes [Video]

A look at the dark origins of popular nursery rhymes by Noah Lefevre of Polyphonic. [Polyphonic | Via Neatorama] Music essayist Noah Lefevre of Polyphonic looks at the dark origins of popular nursery rhymes and why the subject of so many are so very creepy. LeFevre notes that nursery rhymes, such as “Mary, Mary Quite […]