Rise and Shine [Comic]
[Source: Loading Artist | Like “Loading Artist” on Facebook | Follow “Loading Artist” on Twitter]
[Source: Loading Artist | Like “Loading Artist” on Facebook | Follow “Loading Artist” on Twitter]
[Source | Via MC]
[Source: Jim Benton on Tumblr | jimbentonshots on Instagram | Like “Jim Benton” on Facebook | Follow “Jim Benton” on Twitter]
[Source: @Butajape]
Updated timeline of all movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe starting from 2008 to 2022. Numbers represent worldwide gross revenue adjusted for ticket price inflation. Ranked by box office earnings. Reason for numbers going up after initial movie release is a long-term ticket price adjustment due to inflation. Data source: official movie-ticket sales reports. [Data […]
For today’s edition of “Deal of the Day,” here are some of the best deals we stumbled on while browsing the web this morning! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate programs.) –Up to […]
Andrea Wright, Edge Hill University “Cult” is often indiscriminately applied to film and television. In Cult Movies (1981), film critic Danny Peary argued that it should be reserved for “special films which for one reason or another have been taken to heart by segments of the movie audience, cherished, protected, and most of all, enthusiastically […]
[Source: PBF comics | PBF comics on Facebook]
This is a modern trailer for one of the best Star Wars movies ever made, which came out in 1980: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back! Edited by Floris De Canne. [Floris De Canne]
[Source: @deliberatelyburied]