You Made Me, I Love You [Comic]
Have you ever seen a ball that bounces higher than its drop height? It may sound like magic, but there’s actually a trick behind this seemingly magical ball. Watch this video demonstration by Youtuber The Action Lab to learn more about how he did it! [The Action Lab]
In ancient Athens, only the richest people paid taxes on wealth, and they were happy to do it. Twospoonfuls via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA Thomas Martin, College of the Holy Cross In ancient Athens, only the very wealthiest people paid direct taxes, and these went to fund the city-stateโs most important national expenses โ the […]
[Source: Loading Artist | Like “Loading Artist” on Facebook | Follow “Loading Artist” on Twitter]
LEGO Pro @scottmakesmocs has recently completed a massive Mario Kart-themed roller coaster that took him three years to build. The roller coaster, made entirely out of LEGO bricks, features iconic characters from the popular video game series and includes intricate details and smooth transitions. Be sure to check it out in action in the video […]
[Source: @war.and.peas]
Timeline of the most popular social networks from 2003 to 2022. Measured by monthly active users worldwide. [Data Is Beautiful]
Boston Dynamics’ Spot robots have made headlines again, this time by putting a festive twist on their duties. Watch as three robots collaborate to adorn a Christmas tree with a bow, much to our delight! As the holiday season approaches, it’s clear that the possibilities for Boston Dynamics’ Spot robots are endless. While it may […]
It’s not too late to snag some amazing deals on Amazon before Christmas! Here are just a few of the incredible offers you can still take advantage of. Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or a member of other […]
From SentinelOfSomething: Right what it says on the tin: three (ish) seconds of every star trek: the next generation episode… all 178 of them. some clips were a little longer or shorter for the sake of lines fitting nicely into clips, but it’s close enough. This took me something like three months to chip through, […]