Manipulate Radiohead’s Laser-Made Music Video in Real Time

The folks from RadioHead just released a new video for their latest song “House of Cards.” The thing that makes this video so special is that no cameras or lights we used to film it. Instead, the producing team used two 3D technologies to capture motion and images: Geometric Informatics and Velodyne LIDAR. Geometric Informatics […]

Firefox 3.1 is due out in the New Year

By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] InformationWeek is reporting that Mozilla is already preparing Firefox 3.1 for release in the New Year and Firefox 4 is apparently already being discussed.    This despite Firefox 3 only being released less than a few weeks ago.   Take that Internet Explorer! When it comes to discussing features, the big […]

Iran to World: All our Missile Bases are Belong to Us

At least that’s what they want to make us believe with this picture posted Wednesday by Sepah News, the media arm of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. Since then, the photo has been published in numerous online and offline publications, including The Los Angeles Times, The Financial Times, MSNBC, Yahoo! News and countless others. But it seems […]

Google goes virtual with Lively

By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

For a search engine company, Google has today made a very strange move by starting up a Sims-type virtual reality website where you can set up your own avatars and virtual reality environments for chatting to other people online. No prizes for guessing what I’ve been doing for the past several hours – yep, pushing a bed up two flights of stairs.

I was initially dismissive of Lively and I scoffed at Google’s attempts to imitate “The Sims” and “Second Life” but in the end curiosity got the better of me (as it always does) and I downloaded it to have a look. After trying it out, I have to admit it does have potential and it does have the fun factor but I am still scratching my head wondering why Google of all companies chose to make this. What does Lively have to do with search?