Edit your photos online with Yahoo’s BrowserPlus

By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

Most of us have our own favourite photo editing software programs – I know I do. I mostly use ThumbsPlus and sometimes also Picasa and GIMP. But I am always on the lookout for a decent online browser alternative.

Yahoo has something in beta at the moment called BrowserPlus which is pretty basic right now and is geared more towards Flickr uploading. But I have to admit it doesn’t do such a bad job with basic photo editing and it has one unique feature – it allows you to drag and drop photos onto its interface. This alone was enough to intrigue me to download the small browser plugin and give it a test drive.

Introducing the $10 Laptop

Would you like a laptop with that? India’s getting ready to debut a notebook computer at near-McDonald’s-level prices. The laptop, now under development in Bangalore, will sell for $10 US currency. It’ll be marketed toward “higher education applications” — college students, we assume. Government officials revealed the plans for the product at a conference this […]

Cell Phones…For Your Health?

By JR Raphael Contributing Writer, [GAS] Some new mobile technology is aiming to turn your cell phone into a health machine. It’s a refreshing change from the fear-inducing reports circulating once again of the cell phone’s potential to cause cancer. A Pittsburgh cancer research doctor sent out a new warning last week asking his staff […]

PS3’s WipEout delayed for failing epilepsy tests

By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you’re waiting for the Playstation 3 game WipEout then you’re going to be waiting a while longer.   It seems that the game has failed epilepsy tests due to the speed and flashing lights on the screen and will therefore have to be “re-engineered” by the developers. There’s no […]