What Does #080808 Mean to You? [Twitter Culture]

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] Does it mean athletic competition, international relations, or human rights issues? What is this mysterious numeric sequence? Well, if you’re a Twitter user, it’s a special tag that lets you join in on a unique global campaign. Today Twitter recognized the #080808 movement that has suddenly popped up all […]

Catch a flick or two in the YouTube screening room

By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you feel like catching a quick short movie then you might want to consider taking a look at the YouTube Screening Room. The Screening Room contains short movies of ten minutes or less, written, produced and directed by rising stars.    According to YouTube, such movies are usually played […]

“Anonymous” Rallies for a Second Assault on Scientology

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] It would seem to most casual surfers of the Internet that the battle that once roared between The “Church” of Scientology and the group called “Anonymous” all but fizzled out.  While Guy Fawkes mask-wearing protesters are still occasionally sighted outside of Dianetics centers, the oddly named group doesn’t make […]

How To Upgrade WordPress Using Subversion

What is Subversion? Overview Subversion is a version control system that makes it easy to get the latest version of files, or go back to previous versions. It is used by many different pieces of open source software and has been around since 2000. Subversion is considered the successor to the Concurrent Versions System. To […]

Female German cops to be provided with bulletproof bras

By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] I don’t know if female cops in the US are given this level of protection but female law enforcers here in Germany are to be provided with three bulletproof bras each after some complained that the normal bulletproof vest made their conventional bras cut into their skin causing injury. […]

iPhone Firmware Version 2.0.1 Has Launched

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] For any of you who have either purchased a new 3G iPhone or upgraded your old one, you’ve probably noticed your iPhone acting up.  All kinds of problems have been reported, but personally I’ve experienced: Frequent crashes Lag in on-screen controls Lag in on-screen keyboard (can’t keep up with […]

Toyota Segway-like Winglet looks like great fun

Toyota just unveiled a new series of what they call “Partner Robots” which are supposed to help people extend their range of mobility safely and effectively. Dubbed as “Winglets,” these toys for grown-ups look like segway-like devices that consist of a body that contains an electric motor, two wheels, and a couple of internal sensors […]

Seaham Hall’s “Charybdis” vortex fountain looks amazing

Located in Seaham Hall, in Sunderland, United Kingdom, the vortex fountain works by pumping water in a circular motion up a large acrylic cylinder, and forces water to cascade down its sides. This has the effect of creating a vortex in the middle of the fountain, and since the cylinder is completely transparent, the water […]