New Transformers 2 trailer leaked online
Yep folks, another Transformers 2 trailer has been leaked on the web. This one lets us glimpse at a few new scenes and reveals a little more of the movie’s storyline. Enjoy!
Yep folks, another Transformers 2 trailer has been leaked on the web. This one lets us glimpse at a few new scenes and reveals a little more of the movie’s storyline. Enjoy!
By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] Since the danger of swine flu has not yet abated, here’s some additional links and updates. First, if you would like to follow the latest official updates from the CDC, they’re on Twitter. In fact they just started using the #swineflu hashtag, how hip is that? If you missed […]
No, that is not a typo. Scientists in South Korea claim they have used cloning to produce four dogs which can glow red in the dark. While it sounds like a wacky student prank, it actually has major implications for medical science. The four cloned beagles look perfectly normal in daylight, but several bodyparts glow […]
I don’t know about you guys, but when I order pizza, it’s usually because my wife and I are feeling lazy. Oh we do make it ourselves from time to time, but washing the dishes after is kind of a drag and goes against the concept of eating pizza in front of the TV. That’s […]
Microsoft has just released two strange new videos envisioning the future of user interfaces. Check them out below. XUI, which stands for experience-user-interface in theory is the next evolution of computer-human interaction from natural user interfaces (NUI) like Microsoft Surface which itself is an evolution from graphics user interfaces (GUI) like Windows. [Via TechEblog]
Apart from making you look like a total freak (unless you plan to wear these at a D&D convention), we still think these “Digigrade leg extensions” look pretty amazing. If you’re interested in getting a pair for yourself, you can do so right here. [Via Gizmodo]
Have you been watching the news at all recently? If so, you’ve probably heard the term “Swine Flu” or “H1N1 Flu” bouncing around a lot. While most people come down with the normal human flu at some point, it’s not really a danger to anyone but the very young and the very old. Why is […]
By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] Yes, we at Geeks are Sexy have discovered the cure for cancer! And for this, we ask for nothing more in return than your eternal gratitude. Ok, ok, so there are two small problems in the first sentence of this post. First of all, we’re a blog, not a […]
This kid is probably the best human beatbox I’ve ever heard, and yes, that’s even better than James “The AudioPoet” Burchfield, that beatbox guy that performed at TED last year.
Warner Bros is offering HD-DVD buyers the chance to replace their movies with Blu-ray copies for $4.95. But the deal is plagued by restrictions which will likely mean it does little more than irritate buyers who backed the wrong horse. The basics of the deal sound fine: you simply mail in the cover art from […]