The Laptop Illusion Con
In the following segment of The Real Hustle, the hustlers shows exactly why you should always be wary when buying a laptop from a perfect stranger in a public place.
In the following segment of The Real Hustle, the hustlers shows exactly why you should always be wary when buying a laptop from a perfect stranger in a public place.
Produced by Christopher Hendryx as his thesis for the department of Computer Animation at the Ringling College of Art + Design, Oxygen is a really cool 3D animated short featuring Oxygen as our main hero, with various other elements thrown in as supporting characters. Now, if all chemistry classes where this interesting, I guess it […]
In the following video, The Onion News Network reports that long time Star Trek fans feel the new movie betrays what Star Trek is all about. For instance, it seems that some trekkies are outraged at the fact that Klingon dialogues in the movie are subtitled, because it allows the Klingons to be understood by […]
ATMs are everywhere today and provide crooks with a relatively easy way to rob you blind. In the following video, the crew from The Real Hustle demonstrates how easy it is for a thief to get his hands on your ATM card information and PIN number. So now that you’ve seen this, do you still […]
It’s an all-out typeface-off in the sequel to the Font Conference.
By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] So Google is getting in on the whole “going green” thing by foregoing the “noisy mowers that run on gasoline and pollute the air” in favor of renting a bunch of goats to chew on the lawn at the company headquarters in Mountain View. Two hundred of them hang […]
By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] As far as well-known authors embracing social networking go, Neil Gaiman has been right up there, a popular blogger since 2001 (and yes, I do rather love John Scalzi, who definitely beat him to the punch, but we’re talking pure star power here). Now he’s taking Twitter by storm, […]
In this hilariously lively performance, actress Sarah Jones channels an opinionated elderly Jewish woman, a fast-talking Dominican college student and more, giving TED2009 just a sample of her spectacular character range.
According to one estimate, half of all Kindle owners are aged 50 or above. The sampling method was far from scientific, but if anything, could have understated the proportion of older users. The figure comes via the Kindle Culture blog, which analyzed responses to a thread in the official Amazon Kindle forum asking how old […]
Most people who use Twitter will be gone within a month according to newly published figures. Number-crunchers say the trend means Twitter’s past growth rate will be unsustainable. The figures from web research firm Nielsen Media say that only 40% of people using the site during a month will still be using Twitter the following […]