How to work your inner geek for a comfy corner office

By Erica Davidson Guest Blogger, [GAS] We all know that non-verbal cues are key for landing the new IT director position or scoring a coveted promotion. But did you know that the way you dress could be the most important non-verbal communication of all? It’s true. Dressing for success extends beyond the initial interview, or […]

Nanobots navigating your bloodstream

Science fiction or reality: Little robots that can swim through your vascular system to administer medicine to a specific part of your body. Well, according to, a site that showcases some of the most interesting research projects done in Canada, these robots could soon become commonplace. Using microscopic magnetic balls, a scientist from Montreal’s […]

Millennium Falcon Cake would make any geek cry for joy

Edit: Please note that we’ve been asked to remove the pictures from the page by the owner of said pictures. These pictures have been widely distributed through the blogosphere, and no harm was intented by posting them here. On the contrary, we wanted to promote the company that made the product since their culinary artwork […]

Lock the Network Doors and Swallow the Key

There is a rather sensational story on the Drudge Report at this moment about an apparent disgruntled network engineer who granted himself god rights on a network, then locked out everyone else’s administrative rights. He then went to jail rather than divulge his password. It’s the equivalent of locking the door and swallowing the key. […]