Bacon Cheese Pizza Burger looks yummy, unhealthy

Dieters should look away now. Classified in the same category as the Krispy Kreme and Fatty Melt burgers; here comes the unhealthy bacon-cheese-pizza-burger. Want to make one? Just take a giant beef patty, eggs, bacon, colby, pepper jack cheese, and throw everything in between 2 large meat pizzas. Yum. Please note that we will not […]

Feature: Audio Modulated Thunder Music Pleases Thor

By Brian Boyko Contributing Writer, [GAS] You’ve probably seen something like this before, but never this well. ArcAttack uses two eight foot Tesla coils and a robotic percussion band in order to play music. In addition to the interview with one of the ArcAttack members, John DiPrima, that we’ve conducted for our series on crazy […]

Woman who misses flight goes absolutely nuts

By Johnny Daniels Contributing Writer, [GAS] The woman in the following video missed her flight to San Francisco from Hong Kong airport. Rather than calmly accepting her situation and booking herself onto the next available flight, she decided to go all Kamikaze on everyone. In the process, she became a YouTube sensation. She was later allowed onto […]