Zombies Make Everything Better (Even Classic Literature)

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Seth Grahame-Smith, author of such books as Pardon My President: Ready-to-Mail Apologies for Eight Years of George W. Bush, and Huffington Post contributor, is taking on Jane Austen’s classic novel Pride and Prejudice with a zombie-friendly spin. Actually, it’s more of a mash-up than a parody, as unlike previous […]

Your iPhone Died of Dysentary [Oregon Trail Rumor]

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you’re any kind of geek and you’re in my age bracket (18-25), you probably got excited when you read the title of this article.  The Oregon Trail is an iconic game for many young geeks because it was available in schools (something about being educational), fun to play, and a bit […]

Apple Stores Block Facebook (Except Not)

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] After reports that Apple retail stores had all blocked Facebook to discourage customers from “wasting time” (i.e., hogging the computers so that people who actually wanted to buy something couldn’t try out the software), a CNET writer checked it out for herself, and found out that the answer was… […]

The Geek Guide to Valentine’s Day Gifts

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] As promised when we pointed out the romantic properties of flash drives, here are some ideas for Valentine’s Day gifts for or from the geeky guy or gal. If you think that flowers and candy are too boring for your significant other, maybe you’ll find something here to inspire […]

Are you bypassing your company’s IT policies?

While reading the paper version of ComputerWorld this morning, I stumbled an article reporting that more than half of Gen Y employees regularly bypass corporate IT usage policies at their workplace, and a quarter of them face no repercussions for doing so. These results came out of a study performed by Toronto-based research firm Harris/Decima, […]

YouTube’s “Fair Use Massacre”

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Thanks to a breakdown in a previous licensing agreement between YouTube and Warner Music, last month there was something of a witch hunt for any videos containing any songs from Warner’s library. However, whereas most of the time when YouTube deletes videos due to a DMCA takedown notice, these […]