My Amazon Kindle Ate My Homework

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] So, speaking of e-books… you may have heard that in a twist of Orwellian irony, Amazon recently wirelessly deleted copies of 1984 and Animal Farm from customers’ Kindles. Apparently there was a copyright issue, in that the third party distributor who okayed the e-versions of the books did not […]

Jailbreaking could help terrorists, Apple claims

Apple has claimed that jailbreaking iPhones – that is, altering their software to allow the user to run applications without restrictions – could turn them into tools for deliberately bringing down cellphone networks. The claims come in a response to a government review which takes place every three years to decide which situations should be […]

Are You Ready for Stargate Universe? [Geek Editorial]

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] When Star Trek: TNG ended and the franchise melted into less compelling series like Voyager and DS9 (let’s not even DISCUSS Enterprise), we “space action show” geeks felt a little lost.  Nothing really stood out and said, “Here’s that great formula you know and love.”  Then Stargate: SG1 […]

Greenpeace computer toxin protest crosses the final frontier

Environmental activists boldly went to the roof of Hewlett Packard’s roof to protest against “excuses” and “backtracking” over use of toxic materials – then let Captain Kirk deliver their message. William Shatner recorded a message (audio link) for the firm’s staff which was left on the voicemail of all employees. He said HP had gone […]