Lenovo Ideapad U8: 4.8 inches of touchscreen goodness

Have a look at what Lenovo is cooking up for Intel’s next Developer Forum (IDF): The Ideapad U8. This sexy piece of technology features Intel’s brand new Atom processor, a 4.8 inch touchscreen, EDGE/3G support, and lo and behold, a built-in optical mouse, which will apparently allow one-handed operation of the device. Video after the […]

Hannaford Breach Followup: Malware on All of Their Servers

By PatB Contributing Writer, [GAS] “All your groceries are belong to us.” According to a ComputerWorld article, the Hannaford Breach was not just a single keylogger installed at a critical point in the enterprise. Malware was installed on each and every server that handled the credit card processing at their stores in New England, Florida […]

The Sarah Connor Chronicles – a worthy addition to the Terminator?

By Mark O’Neill


Arnold may have moved onto California to “lead, not to read” as Governor but the Terminator story continues nevertheless in the form of the Sarah Connor Chronicles. As fans wait with baited breath to see if a season 2 is about to be commissioned, the debate rages online – is the series a worthy addition to the Terminator series? Or is it nothing more than an embarrassing joke which should be consigned to TV hell?

Hannaford Data Breach is Likely Much Worse Than Reported

By PatB Contributing Writer, [GAS] Hannaford Brothers Supermarkets, a large New England grocery store chain, reported that they suffered a data breach.  The store’s network was penetrated and hackers were listening in during credit card authorizations.  Already, there are 1,800 confirmed cases of fraud associated with the breach.  At risk are 4.2 Million additional credit […]