Full Tour of the International Space Station

In the following video, Expedition 20 Flight Engineer Michael Barratt provides a 20-minute tour of the International Space Station, documenting the full 167 feet of the space station’s pressurized modules. Barratts commentary describes to Mission Control in Houston how equipment and supplies are arranged and stored, and provides engineers with a detailed assessment of each […]

Virtual Medicine: Informed Consent in Second Life

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] According to The Economist, the virtual world Second Life might be a new way to help those with learning disabilities understand (and therefore provide informed consent for) medical procedures and treatment options. A model of the Royal Sussex County Hospital is being built, where the avatars of study participants […]

Your iPhone Looks MUCH Better Now [PIC]

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] I spied this image on Gizmodo yesterday and it made me laugh.  Notice “YouTube:” just you and a tube! “Weather” and “Safari” aren’t too bad either!  Somebody clearly put a lot of work into this.  Let’s hope getting on the front page of Digg was the payout they […]