3D Short of the Day: Blip
Produced by Ben Harber and Sean Mullen from the Irish School of Animation, blip is a short 3d animated film that features two alien trying to take over the same planet.
Produced by Ben Harber and Sean Mullen from the Irish School of Animation, blip is a short 3d animated film that features two alien trying to take over the same planet.
We think every IT / helpdesk department should have this warning sign displayed at its entrance so that users think twice before placing useless support calls. Edit: A downloadable version of the picture is avalable here (red.) [Via Digg]
By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] Much of the time, when I discuss science with non-science people, I get the impression that genetics is a double-edged sword for them. While most understand that genes contain the “blueprint” for the organism that carries them, and that heredity somehow factors into that, the DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) molecule and […]
Yes folks, today’s teenagers are probably going to be those parents in 30 years. Oh well, I guess this could be pretty cool, depending on which side of the fence you’re standing: L33t or Noob. [Via Joystiq]
Mercedes Benx S-Class 2007 No doubt this is a high-performance car with luxury status which would attract the interest of the most mainstream petrolhead. But it’s also got some features with particular geek appeal. The big one is an automated braking and control system. When you’re on the open road you set your desired speed […]
Let’s go old school geeky for a moment. Did you have a bug collection when you were a kid? I did, briefly for a class project, but then decided that I’d rather see them alive and flying around than pinned to a board. Of course, who needs a board when you’ve got a camera? With […]
It’s not a secret, we all know that a good part of the world has problems with its drinking water sources, bringing death and sickness every day upon third-world countries. Sure, humanitarian organizations try to help these countries, but doing so is expensive. So when looking at the situation, Engineer Michael Pritchard thought he needed […]
If you occasionally text your pals while driving, this short PSA will make sure you never, ever do so again. Warning: Video contains blood and is extremely difficult to watch. [Via Gizmodo]
By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] One of the things that I love about science fiction and fantasy is that the genre is one where short fiction is still alive and kicking. Not only are the “big four” magazines still in print – Analog Science Fiction & Fact, Asimov’s Science Fiction, Fantasy and Science Fiction, […]
WiFi detector shirt With a list price of $29.99, this could spell an end to walking round city centers surreptitiously opening up your laptop and checking for WiFi signals before you commit to placing your latte order. The shirt glows to show both the presence of a WiFi signal and its strength. It’s powered by […]