Build a Whole New Identity to Protect Yourself Online

By Mark O’Neill No, the title of this article is not the way it sounds.   I’m not advocating anything illegal.   I’m not offering any fake passports or dodgy driving licenses.   But instead, when you’re filling in another one of those endless web forms asking for your contact information, instead of giving them your actual details, […]

Accused music pirate turns the tables on the RIAA

By Mark O’Neill I think I have just found my new hero. A 45 year-old single mother accused of stealing music on the internet (subsequently sued by the RIAA and vindicated) has now decided to turn the tables against her former accusers—by suing THEM for $5 million, citing conspiracy and illegal investigative practices. Tanya Andersen […]

Russian Billionaire Plans “Snob” Version Of FaceBook

By Mark O’Neill Obviously getting poked online is not good enough for a Russian billionaire.   So Mikhail Prokhorov is going to do what any self respecting billionaire would normally do and set up a Facebook-style networking website for the upper-class, and he is calling it, ironically enough, Snob. Which just goes to show he has […]