What Medicine would be today without Science
An Hilarious sketch from the fourth episode of the third season of ‘That Mitchell and Webb Look.’ Enjoy! [Via Reddit]
An Hilarious sketch from the fourth episode of the third season of ‘That Mitchell and Webb Look.’ Enjoy! [Via Reddit]
Yes folks, what you’re about to see is possibly one of the most brilliant projects to ever come out from a human mind, with the notable exception of the Sashimi Tabernacle Choir, of course. MBED is a low cost, low barrier to entry ARM based microcontroller development platform. No software to install, no dongles, no […]
“This will literally change the face of the motion picture industry” – Mark Kermode
Sony has unveiled some details about its forthcoming motion-based controller, including the first raft of compatible games. However, the firm is yet to announce a price or name for the device. The controller, which was demonstrated at the Tokyo Game Show, requires the PlayStation Eye camera to work; the distance and angle between the camera […]
In the following video, a skier equipped a POV helmet cam films what he sees as he’s getting buried under an avalanche. Fortunately, he then gets dug out by his friends fairly quickly. In case you’re in a hurry, the good part of the video starts at around 60 seconds. He was only buried for […]
If you’re the type of person who’s having trouble getting up in the morning, this alarm clock hack by master tinkerer Kipkay should do the trick for you: [Via TechEblog]
This man is truly a joy to listen to. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone who could explain such a complex idea in such a simple way.
When India launched its first unmanned lunar probe last year, it hoped to make a splash. It appears to have achieved that in a very literal sense: the impact of the probe’s collision threw up soil samples that have offered the most compelling proof yet that there is indeed water on the moon. Don’t pack […]
As I’m sure most of you saw a little bit earlier, the video encouraging people to host a Windows 7 launch party was probably the most boring thing to ever come out of Redmond. But thanks to Cabel Sasser, founder of Mac software maker Panic Inc., the video just became much, much more interesting. Check […]
A map of the moon from 1647 By Natania Barron Contributing Writer, [GAS] We have ever been fascinated by the moon, hanging there, silvery in the sky, so mysterious and changing. I’ve often wondered what people really thought when they saw the moon up there, before telescopes and science, and how truly amazing it must […]