Kevin Pereira and Olivia Munn’s Twilight Spoof
This short Twilight spoof by Kevin Pereira and Olivia Munn was recently presented at the Fantastic Fest in Austin, TX. Enjoy! Warning: Video contains blood.
This short Twilight spoof by Kevin Pereira and Olivia Munn was recently presented at the Fantastic Fest in Austin, TX. Enjoy! Warning: Video contains blood.
Rubbing the rim of a wine glass with a wet finger will cause it to resonate at its resonant frequency. The glass is placed in front of a speaker playing a sine wave, created by the function generator, of this same frequency. When the amplitude is turned up, we can see by shining a strobe […]
These days, with digitized photography and photo editing, we may not think a whole lot about the process of making pictures, at least those of us with casual camera hobbies. One of the downsides of accessible technology is a kind of normalization of process. I know, since owning a digital SLR that can store hundreds […]
In a savanna where remain the relics of a bygone war, a young African hunter protects his meal against an opponent who is as stupid as resistant. Indigen is a computer generated short animated movie made within the framework of specialization in computer graphics with Supinfocom our school. We were 4 to work on this […]
This ad for Freebord skateboards has skateboarders flying down the streets of San Francisco in the dark to connect glowing Tetris shapes. I have to wonder where the awesome outtakes are! Um, yeah, I hope no one was hurt too badly.
Built by Brooklyn-based arts collective The Madagascar Institute, this Jet-Powered Merry-Go-Round had never been tested with real people on it, so Popular Mechanics’ Seth Porges “volunteered his life and limb to be the first human ever to take a jet-powered ride on this steam punk-inspired machine.” In case you want to skip the boring part, […]
Our teapot blowing contest was such a success that here at [GAS] we realized a couple of things: (a) you guys are very photogenic and don’t mind showing it; and (b) if you’re willing to take a picture of yourself blowing into a teapot, then getting some more mundane geekiness out of you should be […]
A British exam board plans to grade written responses to English tests with computers. It’s the first time machines have been used to assess language rather than merely mark multiple choice tests. At the moment, the marking will only be used for a test designed to check if students have the English skills necessary for […]
How many do you recognize? [Via BuzzFeed]
In the Following video, Physicist Richard Feynman explains how rubber bands ‘work’, scientifically-speaking.