Funktionide: The Robot Replacement for Human Contact

Hey everyone, meet my new friend, Funktionide. Based on EAP-technology, Funktionide is what its creator defines as an “emotional robot that substitutes human contact.” I don’t know about you guys, but waking up beside this scary-looking blob would probably freak me out more than anything. Nope, no thanks. And however warm and cozy this thing […]

Fiber optic and digital camera pioneers honored

Three scientists have shared the Nobel prize for physics for two technological advances. And without their work you might not be reading this article or looking at pictures on this site. This year’s prize has been jointly won by the men behind fiber optic cables and the digital camera. Half the $1.4 million prize grant […]

New Verizon Commercial Spoofs iPhone Ad: “There’s a map for that.”

Apparently if you were watching the Vikings play the Packers on Monday Night Football (and weren’t taking a bathroom break during the commercials), you saw the new Verizon ad that spoofs Apple’s “there’s an app for that” campaign. Are you wondering why you (you, being the dude with the Verizon phone) can use all your […]

11th Doctor: Matt Smith & the New Doctor Who Companion

With David Tennant departing from the show, the big news in Doctor Who world early this year was the casting of newcomer Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor (perhaps even overshadowing the other big news that Steven Moffat is replacing Russell T. Davies as head writer). And a couple of months ago it was announced […]

Amazon Coughs Up $150K for Lost Homework

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Remember how a kid’s Amazon Kindle ate his homework? Described as “a bit ironic,” the situation that spawned a lawsuit involved remote deletion of electronic copies of Orwell’s 1984 from customers’ Kindles due to some copyright confusion. The kid in question had already taken notes on his, and then […]

Zombieland delivers gore, geekery, and guffaws

By Natania Barron Contributing Writer, [GAS] I have a confession to make: I’m not that into horror flicks. It’s not that I’m a total wuss, necessarily, but I happened to have been raised in a household where viewing such material was simply off-limits. So I didn’t really get the opportunity to watch anything gory or […]