Scientists not cancelling Christmas plans for 2012

The world will end after being hit by the planet Nibiru on 21 December 2012. Thatโ€™s a nice story, but itโ€™s not true. And a senior scientist at NASAโ€™s Astrobiology Institute says so. David Morrison (pictured), writes a regular column with the wonderfully Onionesque title Ask an Astrobiologist for the Astronomical Society of Pacific newsletter. […]

Going Beyond the Streets with the Google Street View Trike

Since Google Street View cars are somewhat limited to conventional paved roads, the folks at Google thought to equip a trike with the gear necessary to take pictures of spots which are normally not reachable by four-wheeled vehicles. Check it out. You can even go and vote for the trike’s next destination by visiting the […]

Big Bang Theory + Wil Wheaton + Penny Arcade = Geek Win

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Next week’s episode of The Big Bang Theory, titled “The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary,” guest stars Wil Wheaton. He was tweeting and blogging about it while shooting, which was pretty amusing/informative, and the episode is already up in the queue! CBS just posted the promo on YouTube: The first […]