Is Facebook Bad for Teens?

You’ve heard it before: parents groups and educators worldwide are growing more and more concerned regarding children and teens using social networking sites. But while online social networking shows a great deal of promise in respect to reaching out to teenagers, some critics worry that too much focus on the superficiality of sites, especially Facebook, […]

How IRC Works… According to Hollywood

I’m not sure which is the worse, the CSI episode where they try to track an IP address by creating “a GUI interface using Visual Basic” or this. And while being on the subject of ridiculous Holywood interpretations of IT concepts, we invite you to post comments pointing to similar attrocities you’ve seen or heard […]

Microsoft to modders: Do come back (just buy a new console first)

Microsoft has confirmed its banning of players with modified consoles from Xbox Live will be permanent. But while some owners are offloading their consoles on eBay, others may have found a way to circumvent the ban. While some bans from the service (such as those for using threatening language towards other online players) are for […]