The death of digitally altered advertisement?

You’ve seen the Photoshop nightmares: the wonky fingers, the “sliced off” hips, the chiseled faces, the flawless skin. To the geeks among us, this kind of digital alteration in advertising might not be as effective, since we know how it works–and we like to laugh at it when it’s done poorly. It doesn’t take more […]

Blood Energy Drink Will Set your Blood Pumping

Not only does Blood Energy Potions look and feel like real blood, but the drink even offers similar nutritional values as the life-giving fluid. It comes packaged within a re-sealable transfusion bag style pouch, so you can properly freak out everyone around you while sipping the fruit-punch flavored beverage. New from the makers of Mana […]

PS3 motion controller makes its public debut

Sony has unveiled some details about its forthcoming motion-based controller, including the first raft of compatible games. However, the firm is yet to announce a price or name for the device. The controller, which was demonstrated at the Tokyo Game Show, requires the PlayStation Eye camera to work; the distance and angle between the camera […]