We Welcome our Remote-Controlled Cyborg Insect Overlords

Remote controlled bugs buzz off, followed by a picture that looked straight out of a cyberpunk novel, a beetle with a remarkable bit of tech strapped to its head. Well, it turns out that the future (for those of us who’ve ever imagined a future in which people can control cyborg beetles by using a […]

Konami Code Works on theglobeandmail.com

Well folks, it looks like the Globe and Mail’s website (Canada’s largest-circulation national newspaper) has been hacked into recently (unless this is a clever marketing ploy), because after loading its front page, if you enter the Konami code via your keyboard, you’ll get a surprise. Go ahead, try it. up, up, down, down, left, right, […]

Could a Facebook poke put you in the pokey?

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] A woman in Tennessee was recently arrested for… a Facebook poke. The poke in question violated an order of protection (i.e., restraining order), since an OP prohibits “telephoning, contacting or otherwise communicating with the petitioner.” This definitely includes electronic communication (I’ve seen judges vehemently remind respondents that it means […]

What Windows 7 personality are you?

In anticipation of the general release of Windows 7 on October 22, Microsoft has published a Windows 7 Personality Quiz (via Ina).  Don’t you have to wonder what Windows 7 personality you are?  Will you be “Bloated”, “Overhyped”, or “BSOD?”  Let’s examine this little survey, because one of our favorite activities here on [GAS] is […]

Brendan the Voyager Discovers the New World 900 Years Before Christopher Columbus?

Today, at least in the US, it’s Columbus Day. While I won’t pretend that the claims by the famous Italian are somewhat up for debate, and certainly with their share of controversy, I’d rather offer someone else for your consideration for the discovery of this hemisphere: the 6th century Irish monk known as St. Brendan. […]