The Fine Art of Not Knowing [Science!]
Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, S. James Gates, Jr., and Freeman Dyson discusses science, human knowledge and the unknown.
Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, S. James Gates, Jr., and Freeman Dyson discusses science, human knowledge and the unknown.
In a wonderful quirk of coincidence December 31st, 2009 is not just New Year’s Eve. It’s not just the end of a decade. It’s also a night of a blue moon… in partial eclipse. A blue moon occurs when there are 13 full moons during a calendar year rather than 12. This is the result […]
Physicist Steven Cowley is certain that nuclear fusion is the only truly sustainable solution to the fuel crisis. In the following video presentation, he explains why fusion will work — and details the projects that he and many others have devoted their lives to, working against the clock to create a new source of energy.
As Christmas day has just passed, let us present you with our obligatory “kid going crazy over a new console” video of the year. And just in case you want more, you can always check last year’s videos, which in my opinion, were slightly more entertaining than this one! [Via Gizmodo]
Drawing from some of the most pivotal points in his life, Steve Jobs, chief executive officer and co-founder of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, urged graduates to pursue their dreams and see the opportunities in life’s setbacks — including death itself — at the university’s 114th Commencement on June 12, 2005.
Oh Oh Oh! [Via SlashFilm]
A little Christmas silliness for sci-fi geeks! Please note, some regional restrictions may apply to this video.
If nothing caught your fancy on our list of different things you can do to geekify your holidays, here’s something that ought to get your guests amazed and make your holiday party the talk of the decade. [Via [H]]
Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, it’s kind of hard to avoid the decorations. Of course, after seeing your millionth tree-topping star, strand of silver garland, and candy cane reindeer ornament, the trimmed trees all start to look the same. So here’s a few that stand out from the pack. O Christmas tree, thy hardware […]
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