Everything Old is New Again: Social Media and the Geek Connection

Geeks have been using the Internet to meet other geeks, well, since it came around. I remember logging onto the Internet the first time, and I didn’t find information: I found a person. I believe I even corresponded with someone in Australia (this would have been in ’92, I believe) via short emails on a […]

Netflix Demographics Make For Awesome Interactive Maps

There’s no disputing that Netflix has changed the way we watch movies. It’s been at least three years since I set foot in a Blockbuster, for example, and the only independent shop I used to frequent has closed all but one of its locations… if that’s even still around. What’s particularly intriguing to note is […]

Weird and Wonderful iPhone Apps Keep on Coming

With the iPhone App Store having now delivered three billion downloads, you might think every possible idea had already been thought up. You’d be wrong. Here’s our guide to some recent releases which, while not necessarily useful or desirable, are notable in some manner. PocketHeat: As the billing has it, this turns your phone into […]