Introducing the Doritos Tablet: An Edible Alternative to the iPad
Doritos Canada has just released an edible alternative to the iPad: The Doritos Tablet, which features spice 2.0 technology and an awesome multi-taste interface. Check it out:
Doritos Canada has just released an edible alternative to the iPad: The Doritos Tablet, which features spice 2.0 technology and an awesome multi-taste interface. Check it out:
Neil Fraser wondered if a lava lamp would still work in the higher gravity environment of Jupiter. How such a question ever occurs to anyone is a matter of wonder in itself, but Fraser went ahead and built a ten-foot centrifuge in his living room to conduct an experiment to answer the question. The centrifuge […]
Three-dimensional television is hitting BestBuy this week — and it’s coming in cheaper than expected. Sales and demos begin this Wednesday with Panasonic’s VT25 bundle. That includes a 50 inch plasma screen, a Blu-ray player, and a pair of active glasses. The system works by the glass lenses alternately dimming (hence “active”) in sync with […]
Here’s the second official trailer for Iron Man 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the 2008 superhero movie, Iron Man. Iron Man 2 is scheduled to be released in the UK on April 30th and in North American on May 7, 2010. Enjoy! [Via TechEblog]
In the following video, office drone Greg lays down the law to office workers for proper and improper Facebook use. Enjoy!
His image is now the stuff of legend: Ghyslain Raza, the Star Wars kid, aged 15, got the attention and ridicule of the Internet—especially its geek contingent—when footage of him wielding a golf ball retriever and fending off a horde of invisible vicious enemies surfaced. Granted, we geeks were a little less harsh. But unfortunately […]
[Via MUO]
Hmmm, the only thing missing from that bot is a salt dispenser. Salt would probably help melt the last thin layer of snow remaining in the driveway while putting more weight on the robot’s blade, making it more effective at clearing snow off its path.
Combining two of our favorite pastimes, Joel Veitch made a real working rocket out of bacon, sausage, toast, and, um, some kind of rocket fuel. Awesome! Alas, he couldn’t resist singing about it. [via b3ta]