Breaking a Heart with Liquid Nitrogen
Most people break hearts with words. How do nerds break hearts? with Liquid Nitrogen! Please note that the heart used in this experiment actually comes from a pig, not a human being!
Most people break hearts with words. How do nerds break hearts? with Liquid Nitrogen! Please note that the heart used in this experiment actually comes from a pig, not a human being!
After receiving (in person!) a Razzie for “Worst Movie of the Decade” for the notoriously awful science fiction film Battlefield Earth, writer J.D. Shapiro wrote this amusing editorial for the New York Post in which he apologized profusely for inflicting such suckiness on the world. They didn’t set out to make a train wreck, he […]
Thanks Alex! | Source
If you thought the plotline from the original Avatar movie looked a bit like the one from Pocahontas / Dances with Wolves, wait until you see this fan-made trailer for the yet-to-be-announced sequel. [Via Neatorama]
Photoshop geeks, be prepared to drool. No seriously, I’m not kidding. This new content-aware fill feature Adobe is currently working on is simply amazing. Check it out: [Via [H]]
In the following video, planetary scientist Joel Levine shows some intriguing — and puzzling — new discoveries about Mars: craters full of ice, traces of ancient oceans, and compelling hints at the presence, sometime in the past, of life. He makes the case for going back to Mars to find out more.
What if Scorpion and Sub-Zero had to hunt for food in Oregon Trail? From the animals you killed, you got 15,000 pounds of meat. However, you completely mutilated most of it and were only able to use 3 pounds.
As you’ll know from my recent review of Gina Trapani’s Lifehacker book, the subject of productivity tweaks has been on my mind lately. I thought I’d share some of the ideas I’ve tried and how they are working out, and then ask you for your own experiences. (Before starting, I should acknowledge that most of […]
You want to know the definition of a geek? This young lady is balancing 15 books on her head while solving a Rubik’s cube and reciting the digits of pi. Ten years from now, someone will have to sit down and explain to her that you do NOT have to volunteer to lead a Girl […]