Do Social Networks Make Us Dumber?

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] According to an Australian psychologist, Facebook makes you smarter, but Twitter makes you dumber. Why? Well, it has to do with exercising your working memory. Staying on top of Facebook is like solving puzzles, since it hones our ability to remember and use information. But more “micro-level” activities like […]

How Much Are You Worth Online?

I don’t know whether to be scared, insulted or flattered: Apparently I’m worth $695 to the “underground community”. The figure comes from an online promotional tool by Symantec designed to value your online security. It’s based on a 10-page quiz asking general questions about what type of activity you carry out online, how much money […]

Rat-Brain Controlled Robot

I, for one, welcome our future rat-brain controlled robot overlord. This is no ordinary robot control system – a plain old microchip connected to a circuit board. Instead, the controller nestles inside a small pot containing a pink broth of nutrients and antibiotics. Inside that pot, some 300,000 rat neurons have made – and continue […]

Google gets a Monopoly, but it’s only a game

The game Monopoly is going global. That’s not just a marketing phrase. It’s literally going global thanks to an online edition which extends the board to theoretically cover every street in the world. Monopoly City Streets, which launches today, will use Google Maps as its game board. Players around the world will start with $3 […]

Let there be light: students turn “grade 12 physics” into giant multi-touch screen

While many students would surely like to own a 48-inch multi-touch screen, most don’t have the cash to buy a Microsoft Surface device. But a group of engineering students at the University of Waterloo in Ontario didn’t see that as a problem: they just built their own. Their device does not strictly work on touch, […]