[GaS] Giveaway – Caption Contest #1: 2 x $50 in Prizes

Hey everyone! My friend Alex over at Neatorama has recently re-opened his site’s online shop, and to celebrate the occasion, he offered me two free $50 gift certificates to distribute among you guys. In case you’ve never heard of the site, Neatorama is one of the top 100 most visited blogs on the Intertubes, and […]

Red Bull Stratos Mission’s Next-Gen Space Suit

Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner wants to do something dead crazy next summer: He wants to break Joseph Kittinger’s free falling record, jumping from an altitude of 120,000 feet up in the air. As you can expect, doing this isn’t exactly what we could call “safe”, so Baumgartner will need a special suit, giving him life […]