Choosing a Laptop over a Lap Dance: Geeky Bachelor Party

We all know that bachelor parties are typically a great excuse to get completely wasted, and do some veryย regrettableย things with your male friends. One of my favorites recent comedies The Hangover, which if you haven’t watched you should, centers around the crazy situations that can occur at these parties, like proposing to a stripper or […]

Life After Lost (and 24): Day 2

Among the many storytelling techniques which made Lost what it was were the non-linear approaches. In a major twist, flashbacks became flash-forwards, flash-forwards became flash-sideways (or, as it transpired, flash-intotimelessafterlife), and much of season 5 involved brain-frazzling time travel. If that captured your imagination, there are many other examples of non-chronological film and television shows […]