I Sense a Disturbance Within the Force: Star Wars-Inspired Corsets

A pair of Star Wars-inspired corsets, one based on the costume of an Imperial Storm Trooper, and the other one, on Lord Vader’s suit. A disturbance within the force? Indeed! Megalomania just got sexier with this Galactic Lord Corset Costume! Let the heavy breathing commence. No Galactic Ruler should been seen with a purse so […]

Symphony of Science – The Case for Mars (ft. Zubrin, Sagan, Cox & Boston)

“The Case for Mars” is the sixth installment in the Symphony of Science music video series. The clip features Robert Zubrin, Carl Sagan, Brian Cox, and Penelope Boston. Samples come from the documentary “The Mars Underground”, Cosmos, and Wonders of the Solar System. Enjoy! [Via Gizmodo]

Darth Vader Diagnosed: Borderline Personality Disorder

Following a long tradition of providing vaguely pointless diagnosis to fictional characters, a group of French psychologists have determined that Anakin Skywalker may have suffered from Borderline Personality Disorder – which is, according to the DSM, “a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image and affects, as well as marked impulsivity, beginning by early […]