If Cartoons Were Real [Video]
[Via Buzzfeed]
[Via Buzzfeed]
Last week, robbers got inside a gaming cafe in Kaneohe, Hawaii, and asked customers to hand over their cash. Oh, they got the money all right, but I don’t think they were ready for what came next. Check it out:
The crew behind the most prominent efforts to jailbreak Apple devices have come up with the most user-friendly way yet to jailbreak the iPhone. But the process has demonstrated some of the ironies of distributing such a technique. As we reported recently, officials have issued an official interpretation of copyright law which specifically says that […]
No, I’m not kidding you folks, this is a real product. Fresh from an Asian country that has no respect for intellectual property laws (since I can’t imagine this is an official Capcom product) is this incredible Street Fighter condom that shows Ryu banging the crap out of Chun Li below an assortment of random […]
Here’s Lord Vader and friends’ response to episode 1-2-3 Mr. Lucas. [Via Geekosystem]
Here’s Newton’s laws at work for your amusement once again. Warning: Do not, I repeat do not try this at home. For those of you who are not patient, the fun starts at 0:50.
Check this out geeks, this is REALLY cool. Warning: Video contains zombies (obviously), blood, and gore… but just a little. ;)
[Source: XKCD]
[Via Reddit]