Geeky Love Song: “Up, Up, Down, Downโ
A cute love song from Kirby Krackle, a nerd rock band from Seattle. Oh, and keep watching till the end for a surprise ending! [Via Great White Snark]
A cute love song from Kirby Krackle, a nerd rock band from Seattle. Oh, and keep watching till the end for a surprise ending! [Via Great White Snark]
It’s not easy being a dad. A human hunting, flesh eating, dad.
Ladies and gentlegeeks, behold: The ultimate cake for the Dr. Who fans among you. Yes, that Dalek birthday cake is HUGE! it stands at 22″ high and weighs almost 20kg (a little more than 44 pounds). Hit the link to see step-by-step pictures of how the cake was made. [Source: Stacked Cakes]
Matthew Inman, the guy behind one of my favorite websites of all time, The Oatmeal, has recently given an awesome Ignite presentation titled “How to Get 5 Million People to Read Your Website.” We’ve created viral content on occasion here on geeks are sexy (such as the teapot blowing phenomenon, which ended up on BBC […]
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single geek in possession of a good dice bag, must be in want of a geek lady with whom to roll his dice. One of the themes I’ve noticed, when writing about geek girls in general, is that many of our readers feel a little out of […]
Where do you go to get uncensored news stories? Google News? Wikileaks? Well, how about Flickr? Yes, that’s right, the photosharing site could soon be the place to go to read news stories without the detection of hostile governments. A system known as Collage, which will become publicly available on Friday, allows users to hide […]
I’m usually not really into rap music, but darn, that was excellent! It’s probably also the best way I’ve seen to get your online portfolio noticed. Great job Dave! [Via Buzzfeed]
Since Nathan Fillion played Captain Malcolm Reynolds on Firefly and Captain Hammer in Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, it stands to reasons that people greet him as “Captain” I guess. [Via Neatogeek | Nathan Fillion]
[Source: TheOatmeal]
We’ve featured powerpig’s work a few time here on Geeks are Sexy in the past, and since he has a few new interesting pictures up on his Flickr stream, we’ve decided to show them to you, just because you know, they’re so cool. Since a lot of people seem to think that powerpig’s photos are […]