Tales from the Darkside of the Force
Wow, not only is the technical design on this portable coilgun impressive, but the whole thing looks completely badass. Check it out: After 2 long years of on-and-off work my coilgun project is finally completed. For anyone who doesn’t know what a coilgun is, it’s a gun that fires a projectile with magnetic force instead […]
Have you ever wondered what would happen to your hand if you would put it inside the LHC while it’s running? The people from the Sixty Symbols project have asked the very same question to some of the LHC’s top scientists. Check it out: [Via [H]]
Information technology makes you happy — and it’s not just because of earning more money. At least that’s the claim of a new report by the former British Computer Society. The group, now known as “BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT” says its analysis shows the biggest beneficial effects are for women and new users. […]
Jeff at the Aplepi blog recently wrote an article flatly dismissing the lineup of peripherals designed to bring a keyboard interface to the iPad, in an article entitled: “Please, for the sake of advancing technology, just let the keyboard die already.” Not because any specific peripheral was poorly made, but that “there are still plenty […]
Today dear readers, we’ve got a quick question to ask you: Do you use your bank’s smartphone or cell phone app? If you do, can you tell us why, and if you don’t, why not? We’d love to hear about it, so be sure to let us know by leaving a comment in the comments […]
The BBC is reporting that Google has released a “Transparency Report” which shows censorship levels around the globe, releasing details about how often countries around the world ask for identifying user data or to censor information. Currently, the United States leads the running in user information requests, with 4287 such requests, but Brazil leads in […]
Vladimir Skulachev, chief of the Bioenergetics Department of Moscow State University, claims to have developed a new pill that could stop the aging process in the human body. Apparently, the pill works as a super anti-oxidant and prevents oxygen from harming the body as it deteriorates.
Behold: Available (really) from The Neatoshop.
Check out this BBC News video of real spy gear from WWII. Including: Matchbox cameras Tear Gas Pen Secret Compartment Thermos (that holds liquid) Secret compartment shaving brush & shoe brush. For more WWII geek tech, also check out this how-to video on how to make a “foxhole radio.”