A Personality Test for Gamers

Okay, weโ€™ve all seen those personality tests which supposedly measure what type of person you are, the most common one being the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which was based on the theories of Carl Jung, and the least common one being โ€œWhat type of hat are you?โ€ This personality test, created by International Hobo, is designed […]

Muscle Stimulation: Researchers See the Light

Researchers at Stanford University have successfully used light signals to stimulate muscle activity in mice. The concepts used in the experiment could one day form the basis of medical treatment for humans with a range of muscle-related conditions, including reversing the process to reduce involuntary muscle spasms. The experiment began with using an algae-derived gene […]

The Dirty Little Secret Of Inkjet Printers

This video was originally uploaded to youtube about 2 years ago, so I was wondering, does current inkjet printers still functionning like that? I’ve stopped using inkjet technology in 2005, and even if ink cartridges dropped price in recent years, toner cartridges for laser printers are still much more cost efficient.