The Evolution Of The Geek
When one hears the word geek, images are conjured of pocket protectors and nightstands made out of old comic books. That old notion of geek-dom has since evolved into a new, tech-savy, and dare we say, cool geek.
When one hears the word geek, images are conjured of pocket protectors and nightstands made out of old comic books. That old notion of geek-dom has since evolved into a new, tech-savy, and dare we say, cool geek.
While the iPad has been the mover and the shaker of the tablet world since its launch, there have been many rumors and unanswered questions about other tablets entering the market. Some have come and gone with little fanfare, others have been but speculation. Now, Samsung’s Android-based Galaxy Tab is hoping to rise to the […]
It’s almost Halloween! And though many of you are working out last-minute costumes for yourselves (and here are some ideas if you’re still stumped), some of you might be more worried about what the geeklets will be wearing while trick-or-treating. There’s nothing like being a kid at Halloween – and especially being a geeky kid […]
You’ve probably heard about the “It Gets Better” project, a YouTube campaign aimed at giving a message of hope to GLBT youth. There are a huge number of videos now, many at the itgetsbetterproject channel, including from a number from public figures like celebrities and politicians. This latest is from Google employees, and I think […]
Yes geeks, this is the droid you were all looking for: Darkside swimsuit right after the jump:
Thanks Richard!
Social games are a growing trend, enabled by the growing web. Facebook, now the world’s most popular social network, is the place where most social gaming happens. Whether you’re Facebook-phobic or a social gamer yourself, the following figures may surprise you.
Pictured above: those are LEDs. On the tip of a pencil. Yep, in this article io9 talks LEDs–thin, bright, flexible LEDs that are so slight they can be slipped under paper, on pencil tips, and, well, under your skin. Just imagine the possibilities. John Rogers of the University of Illinois is the brain behind this […]
In case you were under any illusion about whether the Xbox 360 Kinect motion control system was being aimed at a mainstream, casual gaming, dare-I-say-Wii audience, Microsoft has scored what many US publicity seekers consider the jackpot: an appearance on Oprah. It’s also unveiled the 17 games that will appear at or imminently after launch: […]