A Look at Jim Henson’s Muppet Geeks

Twenty years ago this past weekend, a shining figure from many of our childhoods passed away. Jim Henson, the creator of the Muppets and countless films and television shows, died at the age of 53 after suffering organ failure due to a severe infection of Streptococcus pyrogenes. I remember finding out the news at school […]

The wacky side of Japanese wrestling

A few months ago, GeeksAreSexy brought you pictures of two odd gentleman smashing one another over the head with fluorescent lightbulbs. It’s all part of the crazy world of Japanese pro wrestling. While the major promotions in the company offer a more traditional wrestling product, the smaller-scale promotions often offer a style which is… different. […]

20 Geeky Words to Add to Your Lexicon

I’m a word geek. No way around that. I have spent literally days of my life trolling the Online Etymology Dictionary and, back when I had a university subscription, the Oxford English Dictionary. English, while being an absolute mish-mash of languages, has a delightfully wacky catalogue of words and phrases that aren’t just fun to […]