The Edgiest Backstory [Comic]
[Source: @swordscomic]
[Source: @swordscomic]
[Source: @aSliceofAlan]
This sticker, shaped like a wonderfully cheesy Tortilla chip, has the face of Danny DeVito on it, and is quite possibly the greatest sticker of all time. Various sizes are available. Water-resistant. Has 4 to 5 years of outdoor life. You know you want one. [Danny Dorito Stickers (From $2.99 to $5.98, Depending on the […]
Humanity warned us about AI but we didn’t listen. We thought we knew better because we were more advanced than them. We thought they were scared of progress and more worried about the boogeymen of their fiction than being left behind in this technological arms race. In our arrogance, we had missed that crucial detail. […]
[Source: @Butajape]
A robotic Alpaca with sausage-grilling Gatling guns that can squirt water from its mouth and has an integrated sound system? Count me in, I want a whole fleet! Also, I’m really proud of that headline! Watch the video below, and be sure to turn on CC to get the subtitles in English! From Handy Geng: […]
[Source: @rdstonowhere]
[Source: @eirinnske_comics]
Watch as Obi-Wan Kenobi retells how stupid Anakin Skywalker was to Luke Skywalker and how he dismembered him and had a BBQ after. I just love how Luke sits there, doing nothing. An instant classic! [Star Wars Stats]
An amusing list of thirteen reasons why humans are the cutest animals. Wouldn’t it be amazing if Sir David Attenborough could narrate it? [Source | Via MC]