This is the Way: A Song Created Using All the Times “This is The Way” Was Said in The Mandalorian (SEASONS 1 -3)

Groove to the sound of “This is the way”… 222 or 223 times… depending on who you ask. It’s cute how The Mandalorian found it’s own version of “may the force be with you”, but they might have gotten a little carried away with it. How do we know? “This is the way” is said […]

Dead Birds Get Second Life Thanks to Drone Technologies

The New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology team based in Socorro is repurposing taxidermied birds as drones to study the mechanism of flight. Yes, I know, this is really creepy, and wait to see how these things fly. From Reuters: Dr. Mostafa Hassanalian, a mechanical engineering professor who is leading the project, had found […]

Behold: The Mandalorian Made Out of Flan! – It’s the Flandalorian!

Twitter user The Mad Maker made Din Djarin out of flan, hence his new name: The Flandalorian! For those who’ve never tasted a flan, the dessert is a firm custard topped with caramel sauce. This is the flan! Here’s a video of the delicious creation jiggling to the beat of the theme song: @martyimmortal Improved […]

AI-generated spam may soon be flooding your inbox – and it will be personalized to be especially persuasive

AI may make spam more pervasive than ever. AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar John Licato, University of South Florida Each day, messages from Nigerian princes, peddlers of wonder drugs and promoters of can’t-miss investments choke email inboxes. Improvements to spam filters only seem to inspire new techniques to break through the protections. Now, the arms race […]