Ministry Of Silly Clocks [Pic]
Now that is one awesome clock. If you don’t get the reference, you absolutely need to watch this: [I Am Nahald]
Now that is one awesome clock. If you don’t get the reference, you absolutely need to watch this: [I Am Nahald]
Jennifer Landa, known partly for some of her awesome Star Wars-themed dresses, is back, and this time, she shows us how to make a Sarlacc Pit cake. Om nom nom nom. The perfect cake to eat while wearing our awesome Boba Grafetti tee. [Jennifer Landa]
Do you remember the first time you’ve heard speech in a video game? As far as I’m concerned, I think it was through my 286’s PC speakers in the early 80s in a DOS game adaptation of Jules Verne’s A Journey to the Center of the Earth. [Jest]
Notorious gadget-fiddlers iFixit say you’ll have to be pretty determined if you want to repair or upgrade the Microsoft Surface tablet yourself. But the limitations are as much about it being a tablet as the way Microsoft has put it together. The Surface is already in weird territory as most early reviews conclude that the […]
This totally geektastic wedding cake comes from Tracey of the Little Cherry Cake Company. Looks yummy, doesn’t it? [Via TN]
This short animations quizes you on your video game knowledge. How many titles can you name? [Evan Seitz]
So you may already be quite fed up with the Gangnam style parodies, but this one it actually quite impressive. And not just because the mash-up of the Ghostbusters theme and Gangnam Style actually works really well, but also because the video editing is actually rather amusing. Who knew so many parallels could be drawn […]
If you were perhaps moved by the video I posted before about how Doctor Who could be considered a religion, well here’s a prayer for you. Print it out, stick it on your Tardis shrine and recite it each morning. Someone now want to record a hymn and post it on YouTube for us? I’m […]
Just recently I showed you Empty San Francisco, where Photoshop nerd Ross Ching created a time lapse of iconic images of San Francisco edited to eliminate the actual people. Well Mr. Ching should have been getting down to New York over the weekend. With Hurricane Sandy on its way, the city is practically deserted as […]
*Disclaimer: As a Canadian, I don’t know much about American Politics, so before anyone says I’m posting this to endorse a candidate or the other, just know that I’m doing it for the funny and geeky aspect of the video. [WhedonOnRomney]