Gamer Wedding Cake Topper [Picture]
The perfect cake topper for the hardcore gamer in your life! Seeing a version where the roles are inverted would be awesome too! [Source: Kim Rom | Via]
The perfect cake topper for the hardcore gamer in your life! Seeing a version where the roles are inverted would be awesome too! [Source: Kim Rom | Via]
First Law: A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. Second Law: A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence as long […]
Nice, and it even looks fairly accurate. [Source]
Are you a web app developer who also happens to be a Trekkie? Well you may be able to win yourself and a friend a trip to the Star Trek Convention in San Francisco. A company called New Relic, in conjunction with the blog Venture Beat, have launched an advertising campaign that gives web developers […] Say what you want about Apple, they’re pretty good at marketing their stuff. They’ve had a pretty good recipe of clean white backgrounds to showcase the product being advertised and a carefully crafted voice-over making the features sound like conversation pieces. They kinda make the tech a talking piece – which isn’t an entirely […]
Gravity. The stars in day. Thoughts. The human genome. Time. Atoms. So much of what really matters in the world is impossible to see. A stunning animation of John Lloyd’s classic TEDTalk from 2009, which will make you question what you actually know. [TEDEducation]
Looks pretty accurate to me, what do you guys think? :) [Source: Wrong Hands]
If you’re down-under and need a new wallet, I have just found some that you may love. These “Wow Wallets” from Why Wait Australia indeed intrigued me on the first look – as the tagline says they will. They’re designed to look and feel like paper, but are in fact made of a micro fibre […]
This is the story of Patrick Chesterfield II: Famed British explorer, knighted servant to the queen, daring pursuer of unknown lands…and cat. During an expedition to the wild frontiers of Burbank, Patrick the Great did something entirely out of character. He was captured. Can Patrick outwit his furless human captor? Watch this never before seen […]
Now that would make an awesome version of Super Smash Bros., wouldn’t it? [Source: TheJayPhenrix @ | Via]