Disney is Going to Tarnish The Star Wars Legacy! [Comic]

[Source: Endless Origami | Via NA]
[Source: Endless Origami | Via NA]
So the gender debate rages on. Buzzfeed recently posted an article that summarised the results of a research project led by sociologist Eliane Ecklund. The survey involved asking 3,455 physicists, from graduates through to tenured professors, asking them as to why women were so underrepresented in their field. They had to select one of the […]
Thanks to electromagnetic induction, cooking food on a levitating aluminium plate is something that can be done. Now how cool is that? At the Palais de la Decouverte in Paris, they showed me this experiment where a 1kg aluminium plate is levitated above a large coil of wire that is being supplied with 800A of […]
This cosmological simulation follows the development of a single disk galaxy over about 13.5 billion years, from shortly after the Big Bang to the present time. Colors indicate old stars (red), young stars (white and bright blue) and the distribution of gas density (pale blue); the view is 300,000 light-years across. The simulation ran on […]
The suits, numbers and colors in a deck of cards correspond to the seasons, moon cycles and calendar. Marco Tempest straps on augmented reality goggles and does a card trick like you’ve never seen before, weaving a lyrical tale as he deals. [TED]
Called Dragon Baby, but really, he’s wearing Bruce Lee’s outfit from Game of Death…but I suppose it’s to keep consistency with the name of his sister, Iron Baby. Regardless, awesome baby kung-fu action. That teddy dragon never stood a chance. [Patrick Boivin]
“He is a friend, and he is an unassuming hero. I also think the fact that he is both awkward and a shy newspaper reporter makes him like everybody else. And yet he has another identity, this larger-than-life superhero. Sometimes we feel like Clark Kent, and sometimes, if we are lucky, we feel like Superman.” […]
[Via CB]
[Via Cheezburger | NA]
Is this the real life, or 8-bit fantasy? These classic games are my escape from reality Blow on the cart, insert and press start with me. [PatTheNESpunk]