Two Men + Two Tesla coils + Faraday suits = ELECTRICITY FIGHT! [Video]
Wearing faraday suits, these two guys are fighting each other using electricity from tesla coils at the Belfast Festival @ queen’s in Northern Ireland. [Via OW]
Wearing faraday suits, these two guys are fighting each other using electricity from tesla coils at the Belfast Festival @ queen’s in Northern Ireland. [Via OW]
It’s one of those things that Apple fans love to lord over the PC-lovers and, more recently, the Android-lovers. Viruses and malware. Apple just seems to get fewer. It probably has to do with the fact that the Google Play system is a lot more open than the Apple App Store. With all the good […]
The zombie apocalypse has come and the world has been overrun with the risen dead. However, once humans have been eradicated, and all that is left is zombies, commercialism will come calling. I mean, services must be rendered to the now-bored (and probably underfed) population right? But the whole demographic has changed now โ we […]
Another awesome cake by Tracey of the Black Cherry Cake Company, which also made that awesome Star Trek-themed cake we featured last week. [Via]
One of the best gangnam style parody I’ve seen. This one goes right next to Comediva’s awesome Klingon Style video. [CaptainSparklez]
Yes, I believe “Holy frak” is the correct thing to say right now… :) Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome will FINALLY be released THIS FRIDAY on Machinima Prime. Follow young pilot William Adama in the First Cylon War and his first adventure aboard the Battlestar Galactica. Don’t forget guys, this is getting released on friday. […]
I’ve actually always wondered how I could “feminize” Jack Skellington for cosplay…model Victoria Scerri took it even a step further and made sure she had her trusty sidekick, Zero, beside her! [Via Geek x Girls / Photos by Tom Good]
Michael Mateyko of the creative firm Komboh created the “National Hero Registration Form” to give away at a comic convention. Mateyko kindly placed the form online for free downloading at will! That next social mixer or work meeting just got a little more interesting… [Via ManMade]
Now that Disney owns the Star Wars franchise, artist Greg Peltz ‘s drawings of “Steampunk Star Wars” could possibly become a reality within Disney’s “Mechanical Kingdom” line… [Via Lo State Minor]