Deadpool n’ Boba Fett: Bros Forever [Picture Gallery]

Deviantartist m7781 really likes Deadpool. In fact, he likes him so much that a lot of his art mashes up the crazy mercenary with characters from other franchises. I’ve included a few of his comics featuring Deadpool and Boba Fett below, thrown in with a some other fun pieces he did paying homage to characters […]

Amazon Deal: Sucker Punch (Two-Disc Extended Edition) on Blu-Ray – $3.99 + Other Insanely Cheap Movies

Just a quick post to add an extra deal on top of today’s regular deal post. Amazon currently has Sucker Punch (Two-Disc Extended Edition) for just $3.99. Born from the creative vision of filmmaker Zack Snyder (Watchmen, 300), this epic action fantasy launches from the vivid imagination of a young girl whose dream world provides […]

‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ Episodes Done as Limericks [Pics]

The mismatched moniker of Waffle Meringue Productions is self-described as a site full of “collaborative artwork, fic, and mindgames from a variety of fandoms — HP, Buffy, Doctor Who, Community, Disney — by the illustrious team of Waffle and Meringue.” One of Waffle Meringue’s latest masterpieces centers around Buffy the Vampire Slayer…in limerick form. Yup. […]

Google pays $22.5 million for stealth cookies

A court has confirmed Google must pay a $22.5 million penalty — and Google will consider that a relief. That’s because a consumer group had argued the punishment was insufficient, an argument a federal judge has now rejected. The penalty is a settlement of charges brought by the Federal Trade Commission after Google intentionally bypassed […]